Current issue #34, 2016


Price control advocates propose a cherry-picking approach to subsidizing Russian manufacturers

The recent initiative by the Russian government to give up on price control of the VED-listed drugs cheaper than 50 RUB has stirred up heated disputes among experts. Pharma industry representatives support the idea, whereas public figures including politicians insist on retaining price control. The stakeholders also differ in their attitude to subsidizing low-end VED manufacturers. It is also proposed to support manufacturers proceeding from the presence or absence of foreign shareholders. Opposing opinion were voiced at the press conference “Letting drugs float freely: pros and cons.

[PharmVestnik # 34, 25/10/2016, p. 1, cont’d p. 2]

Government procurement preferences for API manufacturers to be limited in time

The Russian government is drafting amendments to the resolution No. 1289 of November 30th, 2015, aka the “odd-man-out” regulation. The draft document includes the long-awaited provisions of preferences for API manufacturers. At the same time, on closer examination, it proved that they would be in effect only for two years.

[PharmVestnik # 34, 25/10/2016, p. 3]

New register to prevent drug drain from healthcare institutions to secondary market

The National Pharmaceutical Register (NPR), a company established in last August, is actively penetrating the drug manufacturing sector to disseminate its ideas. Even though the NPR representatives are not being received heartily, the initiators of developing a platform for tracking each drug pack’s route from the manufacturer to a pharmacy are quite sure that this system will find its rightful place on the market. Moreover, the company asserts that it will take not more than three years to implement a unified register if business circles support this undertaking. The industry, in turn, is in deep contemplation so far.

[PharmVestnik # 34, 25/10/2016, p. 4]

Russian government starts drug procurement reform

President Vladimir Putin asked Federal Antimonopoly Service Director Igor Artemiev to interact closer with law enforcement agencies regarding abusive practices in respect of drug pricing and public procurement. According to President, n...

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