Current issue #1, 2017


Sensitive technologies

Officials and experts discussed biomedical product drivers

Cell technologies will become a Russian medicine innovative development priority in the next 10—15 years. There is good reason that the closing meeting in 2016 of the Presidential Council for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development was held at Russia’s major medical university, i.e. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University that has for a long time been the leading site for cell medicine and tissue engineering R&D activities. On December 20th, 2016, the Presidium headed by Premier Dmitry Medvedev, with participation of ministers, healthcare specialists, and pharma industry players, approved the roadmap for the National Technology Initiative HealthNet.

[PharmVestnik # 01, 17/01/2017, p. 1, contd p. 8]

Key pharma industry events of 2016

PharmVestnik presents a traditional new year review of the key news of the past year as well as of their effect on the pharma industry. The status of forecasts made throughout the year is reviewed as well.

[PharmVestnik # 01, 17/01/2017, pp. 2-5]

Time for “harvesting”

Experts hope that regulators will be wise this year

Nobody has ever said that the year 2016 was going to be easy for Russia as a whole, and for pharma industry in particular. However, when summing up the year results, experts stated that many expectations have failed to be met. It goes both about the initiatives that were welcome for the in...

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