Current issue #15, 2018
Pharmacists asked not to be penalized for drug dispensing regulations violation until e-prescriptions are implemented
Pharmacists at Russia’s regional pharmacies state that they are ready to make Rx drug prescriptions themselves as they believe that doctors do not have either relevant knowledge or time to do that. Patients keep handing over paper sheets with drugs assigned in scrawled handwriting. Pharmacists know that they may be penalized for selling pharmaceuticals based on such prescriptions, but they would often run out of words trying to explain that to customers. Therefore, pharmacies propose taking receipts from customers and consider them prescriptions of a kind.
[PharmVestnik # 15, 02/05/2018, p. 1, cont’d p. 4]
// Pharma Retailing – FMCG Relationships
National Chamber for Pharmaceuticals drafts an appeal to President of Russia on inadmissibility of selling drugs at stores
According to experts, the Russian pharmacy market faces hard times pressed both by government actions (e.g., the initiative on legalization of drug sales through FMCG channels) and progressively harder relationships with manufacturers and distributors. Despite the latter fact, the competition in the sector remains tough, with the number of the points of sales growing. Under the circumstances, the pharma community decided to appeal to the President of Russia. At the same time, it is rumored that Vice-Premier Igor Shuvalov primarily pushing legalization of drug sales at stores may quit soon. Then the issue will be likely to resolve on its own.
[PharmVestnik # 15, 02/05/2018, p. 2]
// Health Insurance
Health insurers happy about their status quo
The discussion on the role of health insurance companies in the Mandatory Health Insurance (MHI) system is nothing new. In late March, Valentina Matvienko, the spokeswoman of the Federation Council, challenged the efficacy of the current MHI system and the need for health insurers operating within this system. The insurers made a clever move and turned directly to patients. By coincidence, it was then that the All-Russia Public Opinio...
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