Current issue #17, 2017


State Duma to consider a drug subsidy bill

While experts resumed a discussion on pricing of the low-end VED-listed pharmaceuticals, the State Duma has already moved from words to deeds. Deputy Oleg Nilov initiated a bill on subsidizing VED purchases for the poor. The issue is not new, but is continuously pressing. However, the key question has remained the same, i.e. where the money might be coming from.

[PharmVestnik # 17, 23/05/2017, p. 1, cont’d p. 4]

Manufacturers risk being late with purchasing drug marking equipment

The timeframe of the implementation of the drug marking system for monitoring the drug distribution from manufacturer to consumer remains the source of fears for market players. No transition stages have been determined yet; the only thing known is that by 2019, all pharmaceuticals circulating on the market must be marked. Manufacturers estimate that equipment purchasing, shipment, and checkout will take about 8 months, which means that companies need to start preparing for the drug market system implementation immediately.

[PharmVestnik # 17, 23/05/2017, p. 2]

Experts assume that mandatory licensing is driven by cover-up practices on Russian pharma market

The Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (AIPM) insists on taking urgent measures to prevent counterfeit drug lots in the state procurement system. The Federal Antimonopoly Service, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Economic Development have been informed that unlawful practices have been used on the state procurement market that result in disrupting biddings, supplies, and emergence of out-of-stock items. As roughly estimated by the AIPM, currently 7-8 generics are registered with the originator drug patents expiring only in 5-7 years.

[PharmVestnik # 17, 23/05/2017, p. 3]

Experts argue over support measures for low-end VEDs

Last week, the media brought up the issue of low-end VEDs once again. Journalists are aware that the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Economic Development, and Federal Antimonopoly Service are working on a new pricing procedure for drugs under 50 RUB; a draft bill will be submitted for discussion. If prices in this segment are liberated, the new procedure may come into force on January 1st, 2018. According to experts, the economic crisis has swept out more than 100 local ...

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