Current issue #18, 2018

// Regulatory & Legal – Pharma & Medical
Government makes the first move to API manufacturing support
For nearly 2 years, pharma industry players have waited for the Russian government to issue a resolution setting out tax advantages for manufacturers using local APIs. Quite a lot of swords have been crossed in disputing over potential government support measures. A three-stage system that provided for granting unrivaled preferences to local drugs in government procurement has been discussed, and even the issue of abolishing the “odd-man-out” regulation has been raised. One way or the other, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has been firmly committed to supporting local manufacturers. Apparently, largely due to the Ministry’s position, the long-awaited document has materialized.
[PharmVestnik # 18, 29/05/2018, p. 1, cont’d p. 4]
// Regulatory & Legal – Pharma & Medical
Health experts criticize ambiguous regulatory initiatives
Drug availability is closely connected with regulatory issues. The 7th All-Russia Congress “The Right to Drug” took place as the same time as the State Duma was reviewing a bill on counter-sanctions in the second – key – reading, which had predetermined the congress’ agenda. The attendees passed their opinions on this and other hot buttons of health legislation.
[PharmVestnik # 18, 29/05/2018, p. 2]
// Pharmacy – Distributor Relationships
Distributors fed up with disappearing pharmacies-related losses
The pharmacy market is saying ‘goodbye’ to the organic development model that has until recently been most effective and transparent. And if before, by stating “I am developing organically”, the business owner meant that his/her business was honest and transparent, now the same owner has to admit that no leadership can be maintained without acquisitions. None of the distribution chain players are happy with the status quo of the pharmacy market. While pharmacies are struggling to survive, distributors tighten the screws.
[PharmVestnik # 18, 29/05/2018, p. 3]
// Regulatory & Legal – Pharma & Medical
Online drug sales to trigger off new price wars in pharmacy sector
The State Duma has been going through the second reading of the online drug sales bill when it came to a standstill. Meanwhile, both pharma and Internet companies are getting ready for approval of web-based drug sales, although they differ in their approaches to this market.
[PharmVestnik # 18, 29/05/2018, p. 5]
// Regulatory & Legal – Pharma & Medical
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