Current issue #20, 2016


Russian GMP Inspectorate denies bias against foreign companies

The closer the year 2017, the more worried foreign drug manufacturers become in respect of receiving Russian GMP compliance certificates. None of the industry-related events can avoid discussing this issue. Therefore State Institute of Medicinal Products and Good Practices Director Vladislav Shestakov’s appearance at the EurasiaPharmConsulting-hosted business breakfast on inspecting drug manufacturer sites for GMP compliance created a sensation. Pharma companies’ representatives had so many questions that they would not let Mr. Shestakov go when the official part was over. He did not mind answering all of these questions.

[PharmVestnik # 20, 14/06/2016, p. 1, cont’d p. 7]

Brain form the USA, tablets from Russia

Local Pharma often prefers foreign, not Russian, science

The Committee for Science and Education Development under the Public Chamber intends to set up a biomedicine development workgroup. This segment needs investment; otherwise, it will not be possible to reach the target of channeling 1.77% of the GDP to the R&D as set by President Putin. Russian pharmaceutical companies may become one of the investment sources for biomedicine. However, the problem is that it is easier for them to open their own laboratories abroad than cooperate with Russian researchers.

[PharmVestnik # 20, 14/06/2016, p. 2]

GPP unites pharmacy chains

In the early summer, 36.6 Group announced creating a new pharmaceutical partnership, i.e. Good Pharmacy Partners. According to the Group’s spokespersons, already now this association is the largest in the European pharma market. All the Group’s pharmacy chains have already joined the partnership. Besides, it is based on pharmacy associations Alphega and United Marketing Group. Now the partnership is ready to expand its presence.

[PharmVestnik # 20, 14/06/2016, pp. 4-5]

Customer is not right

State customers’ disloyalty gets in the local manufacturers’ way

Medical device manufacturers acknowledge that just about one third of the state biddings invited fall under the “odd-may-out” regulation. The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) carefully monitor the state bidding practices and maintain a continuous dialog with the regulators, i.e. the Ministry of Industry and Trade responsible for the local industry support and the Ministry of Economic Development, the developer of the Federal Law No. 44. All agree tha...

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