Current issue #3, 2018

36.6 Pharmacy Chain shareholding structure may change again
Moscow Credit Bank (MCD), a major credit institution of 36.6 Group, found itself in hot water back in autumn 2017. At that time, a Rosneft entity supported the bank by offering a 22B RUB deposit. In late November 2017, MCB announced that a representative of the All-Russia Regional Development Bank co-owned by Rosneft joined its management team. It is unknown whether Rosneft and MCB collaboration will result in the oil giant becoming a bank shareholder. However, obviously, Rosneft entities have an increased focus on the bank and its assets, including the drug retail business that, by the way, owes the bank about 30B RUB.
[PharmVestnik # 03, 30/01/2018, pp. 1-2]
// Regulatory & Legal – Pharma Retailing
Experts have no idea who may force pharmacies sell cheap drugs
Pharma market players refer to the healthcare competition development “road map” posted in mid-January at the Russian Cabinet website as a “fascinating” document. It includes 47 actions to encourage the development of competition on the pharmaceutical, medical, healthcare provider, and dietary supplements markets in the next 4 years. The implementation of this plan will require the development of 36 federal bills and government statements. However, some of the experts note that this plan abounds in discrepancies. In the opinion of State Duma officials, this plan is biased, with business issues prevailing over social responsibility.
[PharmVestnik # 03, 30/01/2018, p. 4]
//Health Management
National Immunization Schedule extension requires long-term planning
According to various estimates, the annual economic damage from rotavirus infection ranges between 7B and 15B RUB. Experts voiced these figures at the immunization session within the framework of Gaidar Forum 2017. Vaccination will provide for infection management and, consequently, cutting budgetary losses. At the same time, there are just a few health economics studies on rotavirus vaccination. One of the reasons is likely to be insufficient long-term planning skills in the immunization management field.
[PharmVestnik # 03, 30/01/2018, p. 4]
// Regulatory & Legal – Pharma Retailing
Pharma retailers sharply criticize the supermarket drug selling bill
Just a few days before the New Year, the Ministry of Industry and Trade posted for public debate a federal bill to permit FMCG retailers sell OTC drugs. Pharma retailers and professional associations were unanimous when sharply criticizing...
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