Current issue #37, 2015
FAS explained VED sales pricing procedure depending on tax system applied
In early November, the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) explained VED (Vital and Essential Drugs) sales pricing procedure depending on tax system applied by a specific legal entity. Notwithstanding this fact, the FAS officials remarked that they were still dealing with that complicated issue. In their opinion, the provisions of the federal law FZ-61 and the government resolution No. 865 regulating pricing contradict the Tax Code, and the price markup setting developed way back by the Federal Tariff Service (FST) conflicts both with FZ-61 and Resolution No. 865. Meantime, amendments to the Code of Administrative Infringements are likely to be implemented soon, which will allow the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development (Roszdravnadzor) to suspend licenses of pharmacies caught with violations of the VED pricing rules.
[PharmVestnik # 37, 17/11/2015, p. 1, cont’d p. 3]
Healthcare’s “magic skin”
Budgetary medical and pharmaceutical expenditures shrinking de facto
The Russian government brought in the State Duma a draft Federal budget and a draft budget of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance (FFOMS) for 2016. Next year, the government’s healthcare allocations will total 2.85 trn RUB. It looks like a 4% growth year-on-year at first sight; however, on closer examination, there are increasingly less funds in the local healthcare.
[PharmVestnik # 37, 17/11/2015, p. 2]
It’s time to pretend to be small
Large pharmaceutical distributors are proposed to split state bidding segment
The Russian government uses every effort to make state bidding and purchasing by state corporations accessible for small and medium businesses. From 2016, this segment will be entitled to at least 18% of the sum total of all state contracts made over the year, including drug purchases. But it looks like very few people believe that the corporate “monsters” are ready to monkey with the “chicks”.
[PharmVestnik # 37, 17/11/2015, p. 3]
Neither by hook nor by crook
MoH stands its ground in implementation of a drug flow monitoring system
On the unified portal of the regulatory and legal information, a public discussion is completed on the draft law laying the foundations for the implementation of a computerized system for monitorin...
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