Current issue #40, 2015


“Odd man out”

Resolution limiting access of foreign manufacturers to state bidding signed

On November 30, Premier Dmitry Medvedev signed the government resolution that had been nicknamed the “odd man out” by Pharma market players. It took really long to sign this document the concept of which has been one of the most debatable. The document has not been changed dramatically over the period its development was underway. The first draft that used to read as “Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan” currently reads as “the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) member states”. The deadline starting from which the packaging stage will not be considered local manufacturing any longer has been postponed for a year. The experts who have warned about “surprises” associated with the regulatory enforcement of this document are eager to see how this novelty would come out in bidding.

[PharmVestnik # 40, 08/12/2015, p. 1, cont’d p. 5]

Ready Steady Go!

Pharma industry against prolongation of common drug market launch deadline

Less than a month is left until the agreement on drug and medical device circulation within the EEU common market comes in force. And it is right now that the debates on possible postponing of the deadline that have been underway over the past year have become especially fierce. The business community maintains that some regulators are trying to put a brake on the process and postpone the launch of the common market indefinitely. Thus, the product circulation regulations currently in force will continue to apply, which runs counter to the basic agreement signed by the presidents of the EEU member states. Quite recently, it has emerged that the second level documents need to undergo further legal treatment, which in itself sets the professional community wondering. Proceeding from the EEU basic agreement, businesses insist that all procedures associated with the formation of the legal framework for launching a common drug market must be completed on time. They are ready to operate in a common market environment.

[PharmVestnik # 40, 08/12/2015, p. 1, cont’d p. 2]

Spare money

In early December, DSM Group marketing agency made an attempt at highlighting healthcare problems in the Republic of Crimea. To this end, the agency held a special forum. Representatives of the respective Crimean authorities as well as local businesses made the basic problems underlying the new Russian region’s development abundantly clear. The permanent blackouts have not been able to disrupt t...

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