Current issue #7, 2018

Pharmacy market consolidates to stand against food retailers
The Russian pharmacy market has been gradually shifting over to reporting the results for five-year periods. This way, it is easier to make optimistic statements than when reporting annual results. There are changes underway on the market, and while some pharmacy chains masterfully swim upstream, others look for a safe harbor. There are two initiatives that may fundamentally change the market environment and that are rejected categorically by the business community, i.e. legalization of online drug sales and drug sales through FMCG channels. This attitude was emphasized by the leading players of the pharmacy market during the recent pharmacy summit “Effective management of a pharmacy chain”.
[PharmVestnik # 07, 27/02/2018, p. 4]
// Market Research
A new player will emerge on the pharma market that will set up its own rules
The market players that have been lobbying the drug marking idea not only to generate transparent traffic but also analytical data covering the pharma market overall are confused. Shortly, the Center for Advanced Technology Development, the private-public entity that currently provides technological support of the project, may emerge as a steward of a big drug marking database. Pharmaceutical manufacturers feel being jerked with data access, with complete control over the database being given to private third-party companies. A major new player associated with Alisher Usmanov’s USM Holdings and Alexander Galitsky’s Elvis Plus may emerge on the market. Control over pharma market data will give birth to a new niche not only in terms of analytical research but also in terms of soft- and hardware development. Analysts estimate that this niche may reach 9B RUB by 2019.
[PharmVestnik # 07, 27/02/2018, p. 6]
// Digital Health
Budgets keep «dissolving» in medical digital space
At the Digital Health Convention conference held on 16 February in Moscow, analysts spoke about 50B RUB of budgetary funds absorbed by healthcare IT solutions so far. According to various expert estimates, this is half of the funds required to digitalize the health industry overall. However, the digitalization program is still in its infancy. The MoH’s IT Department has a shortage of skilled specialists, and the Expert Panel has not met for several years.
[PharmVestnik # 07, 27/02/2018, p. 10]
// R&D – Pharma & Medical
Scientists seek ways for import substitution in nuclear medicine
In 2015, the Russian Governmen...
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